Recent Clients
Pacific Disaster Center. ASEAN Early Warning and Decision Support Program. Performance Evaluation Report. USAID. September 2023. In collaboration with Alinea International.
The Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA)/ Ronin Institute. NSF IUSE: Identifying Assets and Collaborative Activities to Support Student Success in Environmental Data Science at Minority Serving Institutions. (2021-2022). Available here.
University of Hawai’i John A. Burns School of Medicine/ Pacific Regional Central Cancer Registry. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2022).
University of Guam. Guam EPSCoR Program. National Science Foundation (NSF) EPSCoR Track 1: Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium for Corals and Oceans (GECCO) (2020-2025).
Thriving Earth Exchange/Advancing Earth and Space Science (AGU). Program Evaluation. (Completed December 2019). Available here.
Pacific Disaster Center. Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning Capacity Development in the ASEAN Region. InAWARE Use Survey. A USAID-funded Program. (2019-2021)
University of Guam. Guam EPSCoR Program. National Science Foundation (NSF) EPSCoR Track 1: Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium (GEC) (2015-2020).
University of Guam. INCLUDES Program Evaluation. National Science Foundation (NSF) INCLUDES DDLP. Growing STEM Launch Pilot. (2018-2020).
University of Hawai‘i. Hawai‘i EPSCoR Program. National Science Foundation (NSF) EPSCoR Track 1: IMUA. John M. Knox & Associates. (2010-2015).
State of Hawaiʻi , University of Hawaiʻi, Office of Environmental Quality Control, Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Environmental Center Conservation Project (2018-2019)
Other Research
Bolduc, S., Knox, J. and Ristroph, E.B. "Evaluating team dynamics in interdisciplinary science teams", Higher Education Evaluation and Development, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (September 2022).
Trees for Honolulu’s Future. The Benefits of Trees in a City Far Outweigh Their Costs. Research Report (June 2018).
Assessing Collaborative Governance Through Alternate Rationales: A Case Study of Watershed Partnerships in Hawai‘i. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Doctoral Thesis. (May 2018).
Socio-Economic Research
CNMI Department of Public Lands. Population Forecasts for Master Planning by CNMI Dept. of Public Lands. John M. Knox & Associates. (January 2018).
Hawai’i Community Development Authority. Socio-Economic Impact Analysis for the Kakaako Community Development District TOD Overlay PLAN EIS. John M. Knox & Associates. (July, 2015).